Coach Quip

145: Measuring Success

Episode Notes

Recently we’ve had volumes climbing, races happening and things are getting more challenging - as they should be. But along with this is not "hitting" our typical measures of success like pace and distance, and athletes are feeling discouraged. This episode is all about looking for the wins in less conventional areas of training and racing, all in the quest to become a better Athlete.

In this episode, we riff on one of Nike Global Head Running Coach, Coach Bennett's Axioms: “Measure success as many ways as possible." What do these other Successes look like? Tune in!


Check out the video version of this podcast on YouTube at 
Connect with Edge Athlete Lounge: @edgeathletelounge 

Connect with Coach Robyn: @coach.robyn 
Connect with Coach Chris: @thechrismosier 
Music by MEND 
Logo by @valeriegalerie 
Recording wizardry by Richard Mipana 
Audio mixed and edited by FermataLab