Coach Quip

139: Breaking Your Notifications Addiction

Episode Notes

Studies show the average person checks their phone every 12 minutes, or approximately 80 times each day. Some people check their phones even more frequently. With all of the buzzes and beeps, it is easy to be distracted by notifications popping up - and each notice comes at a cost: it takes about 23 minutes to return our focus to deep work on the task that was interrupted. 

BUT: You can have control over your time, your energy, and your outcomes. 

And we’re here to tell you how! Today, learn why - and HOW - to determine what notifications you really need and cut the rest.

Check out the video version of this podcast on YouTube at 

Connect with Edge Athlete Lounge: @edgeathletelounge 

Connect with Coach Robyn: @coach.robyn 
Connect with Coach Chris: @thechrismosier 
Music by MEND 
Logo by @valeriegalerie 
Recording wizardry by Richard Mipana 
Audio mixed and edited by FermataLab